Béatrice Bourau-Glisia - Emotional Decoding of Symptoms
Béatrice Bourau-Glisia has been a therapist for more than fifteen years.
After benefiting from the technique of biodecoding during her own healing process, she became involved in speaking and training to develop this technique.
Today, she continues to speak and train internationally : Spain, the United States, Russia, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Columbia, Argentina, and of course, in
Illustration of the methodology
(This is only an example; just as each person is unique, each treatment is also unique.) :
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The Emotional Decoding of Symptoms ® does not guarantee healing, and it not a system of truths
or certainties. It is an exploration of hypotheses incorporating openness and curiosity where
each of us has the power for self-healing. It is an approach to health meant to complement
conventional medical practices. The practitioners of Emotional Decoding of Symptoms ® are
professionals whose training and obligations are defined and governed by the Association
Internationale des Praticiens de Décodage Biologique des Symptômes (A.I.P.D.B.S) (International
Association of Practitioners of Biological Decoding of Symptoms)